Depending on the browsers you wish to test against you’ll need to add the drivers for them.
To use Google Chrome:
npm install chromedriver --save-dev
To use Opera:
npm install operadriver --save-dev
To use Firefox:
npm install geckodriver --save-dev
Local Browsers
The most basic / common use of this library to get the available browsers on the current machine, filter out any browsers you may not want and then get a web driver instance for that browser, this can be done like so:
const selenium = require('selenium-webdriver');
const seleniumAssistant = require('selenium-assistant');
const browsers = seleniumAssistant.getLocalBrowsers();
browsers.forEach(browser => {
// Skip if the browser isn't stable.
if (browser.getReleaseName() !== 'stable') {
// Print out the browsers name.
.then(webdriverInstance =>
.then(_ => webdriverInstance.wait(selenium.until.titleIs('Google'), 1000))
Make sure you checkout the reference docs for all the available APIs.
For documentation on how to use the webdriverInstace
check out the
selenium docs.
Saucelabs Browsers
There will come a point where you’ll want to test on browsers you don’t have on your local machine (i.e. Internet Explorer or Safari).
Selenium-assistant can help with this, exposing methods so that you can:
- Set your Saucelabs username and access key.
- Use Saucelabs connect so Saucelabs browsers can access local servers.
- Get a working driver instance (i.e. have the correct configuration).
const seleniumAssistant = require('selenium-assistant');
.then(() => {
return seleniumAssistant.getSauceLabsBrowser('edge', 'latest');
.then((browserInstance) => {
return browserInstance.getSeleniumDriver();
.then((driver) => {
return driver.get('http://localhost:8080/')
.then(() => {
// Do any testing with the driver.
.then(() => {
return seleniumAssistant.killWebDriver(driver);
.then(() => {
return seleniumAssistant.stopSaucelabsConnect();
Note: You don’t need Saucelabs connect if you are testing a publicly available URL.