The Project Fugu API Showcase is a collection of apps that make use of APIs that were conceived in the context of Project Fugu.
consumes the JSON file and creates the
output data in the data/
folder. Screenshots and app metadata are
dynamically generated based on the live
is embedded as an iframe on
.npm i
.npm start
to create a local build and serve it on
.npm run build
. Changes are currently not
watched, so you’ll need to run npm run build
manually when you make
changes.npm run serve
for more information.
(This can only be done by members of the Project Fugu team.)
pages build and deployment
action.npm start
, which triggers all data in data/
to be
re-generated and which opens a local copy of the site on
.npm run deploy
to deploy the site to GitHub
Pages.Apache 2.0
This is not an official Google product.